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Virginie Faure
mai 14, 2023
I’m not sure how you tell time with this monster (l'Anachrone), or whether I could stand the noise of it operating. However, I do know that I really want one of these amazing clocks, just because it is so very, very cool. It beats the desktop ball-bearing clock by a large magnitude - could you imagine having a contraption like this in your hall? I want one!
Claudio Da Costa
mai 2, 2023
Es un genio, mis respetos no tengo palabras para describirlo, esto me enseña a ver el mundo desde otra perspectiva .
Jeevan sol
janvier 1, 2023
Fascinante!! En verdad que este ser humano es de otra época aunque yo diría más: de un otro mundo maravilloso. Gracias gran lección de vida.
Hassane Faradji
novembre 25, 2022
ومضات مع رابيا Bravo à cet homme génial. Un inventeur dans l'âme.
Christophe Thiriet
novembre 25, 2022
Incroyable personnage ! Un moment d'évasion avec ce pur génie.
Olivier Boisard
novembre 1, 2022
Toutes mes félicitations pour cette invention originale, et pour toutes les autres que j'ai pu découvrir sur votre site ! Je ne manquerai pas de créer un lien vers votre site, qui intéressera tous les passionnés de propulsion photonique. Olivier Boisard
Richard Jean
novembre 1, 2022
Tu restes un des meilleurs, ne passe pas à la trappe.
juillet 20, 2022
Marcel Betrisey creates unique clocks and strange machine hybrids. Take, for example, his c.d. player integrated into an antique sewing machine, his rolling ball clock or his wonderfully silly amplifier that uses a tap for volume control.While I’m not exactly sure what some are for, I think what he says about his c.d. player with a rotary arm sums it up best: “I wanted simply to know if it were feasible, and the joy was great when it delivered the first note of Electric Ladyland.” Marcel Betrisey creates unique clocks and strange machine hybrids. I linked to the Google translation page because the French section is more complete. If you like this type of stuff, I found Marcel Betrisey through this links page that can easily suck your day away with dozens of goodies all worthy of their own front page post.
Dan Mestanza
juillet 20, 2022
Cher Marcel, Je suis fana de systèmes d'horlogeries depuis bientôt 15 ans, et ce que je viens de découvrir sur ton site est tout simplement hallucinant d'ingéniosité, de simplicité et d'humilité... bref c'est une bonne claque pour tous les horlogers qui ne font que se répéter depuis le moyen-âge.
juillet 7, 2022
Oh if only I was the creator of such a wonderment, alas I am simply the reporter. Having found it in my daily wanderings I could not help but share. Perhaps some day my meager tinkering will yield such results
juin 21, 2022
Gadzooks! Astonishing! , are you the creator of this awe-inspiring masterpiece? "Entirely mechanical" puts this timepiece well into the Steampunk tradition. You Swiss clockmakers set the standard for the known World.
Charlie White
juin 7, 2022
With all of the clinking and clanking noises this thing makes, it’s certainly not the kind of clock you’d want in your bedroom, but it’s just the kind of fascinating Rube Goldberg machine that becomes even more rare and exceptional as technology marches on. It’s all mechanical, consisting of 1,600 parts weighing a total of 660 pounds. It’s a beautiful work of art in motion.
juin 5, 2022
Dear Marcel, I have just seen your page on the Chronolith - thank you for writing an English version. I think that your clock is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen, it has the air of organic metal but the strangeness of a scientific sample in a jar. I also love the presentation depicting the clock in a number of beautiful settings - I am not surprised that you have won a prize for the clock - art and science in harmony!
juin 5, 2022
Interesant si genial expozitta ta. as wrea to-ti spun ca sunt foarli mondra de time, as wrea dire tat sufflitul to reussesle to face tot cella ce-ti doreste. Este o persoanee minumata si merite tot a este hum. Te a imbrese mult.