32) The humanity deposited in matter May 2021 NF magazine
31) 24heures 11 february "What is the difference between a genius and ...."
30) MAG Montreux art Gallery (November 2016) p.4529)
29) L'Echo magazine (October 2016) "Naked without my tools"
28) L'Evènement (March 2016) "au défi du temps
27) Le Nouvelliste (22 September 2015) "un Géo trouvetou..."
26) Le Valais étonnant et détonnant (2014) "Remettre notre époque à l'heure" (Putting our time back on track)
25) Popularmecanics Moscow (May 201224) Ca m'intéresse Hors série n°
27 March 201223) How to detect the tidal effect of the Moon with a simple pendulum? Université Denis Diderot, 15 Jan, 201222) How can one detect the rotation of the earth around the moon?
21) Encyclopedia of discoveries and inventions, volume 14, page 98 (2011)20) Bulletin des musées français n°23 (2007)
19) Makers The power of light (Bob Parks, 2005) O'Reilly books California
18) Chronometrophilia Art, science or horology? winter 2004
17) The Life and Science of Léon Foucault, William Tobin Cambridge University Press 2003
16) Horological Times May 2003 Marcel Bétrisey radiometric clocks (American clockmakers institute)
15) Pinseri (Sweden) February 2003 "Marcel Bétrisey tekee udeite kellodja... "14) Scaner - magazyn informatyczny. (Poland) by Dawid Gatti "Bomysl to nie vszystko, trzeba jeszcze ..."
13) Orologi (Italy) Curiosità, in tema di tempo, nascoste tra le pieghe della Rete (Paola Parmendola)
12) Horological Science Newsletter (USA) "Marcel Bétrisey's clock by Bob Holmström
11) Le Nouvelliste / 22 July 2002 "Une heure lumière
10) Le Matin / 22 April 2002 "Chronolith coveted
9) l'Orologio (Italy) / maggio 2001 Marcel Betrisey, l'inventore pazzo
8) L'Illustré / 10 January 2001 "Les folles pendules d'un génie valaisan
7) 24 heures / 29 December 2000 "Roulements habiles
6) Nouvelliste / 21 November 2000 "Tic tac et billes en tête
5) Nouvelliste / 29 April 1999 "Un objet unique
4) Femina / 6 September 1998 "Send the music
3) Nouvelliste / August 1997 "Not so crazy the inventor
2) Le Nouveau Quotidien / 28 February 1997 "La passion du tournevis" (The passion of the screwdriver)
1) Nouvelliste / August 1994 "L'inventeur fou" (The mad inventor)
TV or radio show topics:
Canal 9 / 31 April 2000
Télévision Suisse Romande / Tout en Régions / April 1998
Canal 9 / 10 January 2001
Télévision Suisse Romande / Tout en Régions / 03 January 2001
Télévision Suisse Romande / De Si de La / 3 February 2001
Télévision Suisse Romande / Zig Zag Café / 20 April 2002TV 5 international / 25 April 2002
Télévision Suisse Romande / Tout en Régions / June 2002Canal 9 / November 2002 / Le journal
Canal 9 / July 2003 / Le journal
Swiss German Television (DRS) /Fensterplatz / 12 February 2004
(France Inter) Kriss crumble March 2009
TFI / REPORTAGES:"les inventeurs" November 2010
RTS1 /"Passe-moi les jumelles" April 2017
RhoneFM / Culture Valais / 26 August 2021
RTS1 / Good riddance / 10 September 2'21
Au bar des pognes Nina Pellegrini 5 September 2021 (can also be downloaded here)
Sion Expo / Manhattan Audio stand / 1996 and 1997
Comptoir de Martigny 1997 and 2000
Musée international d'horlogerie de La Chaux-de-Fonds / summer 2000
Galerie Grande Fontaine, Sion / December 28, 2000 to January 20, 2001
TASIS Summer Art Festival 2002 / Montagnola, Ticino / Switzerland
MIT Musée International d'horlogerie La Chaux-de-Fonds / August 2002 to August 2003
Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, June 2006
MAD Museum / Stratford-upon-Avon / 2012 to 2014)
MAG Montreux Art Gallery / 9 to 20 November 2016
Musée du Châble / Bagnes / March 2016 and February 2017
Baselworld / Basel / The Bomberg House / 23 to 30 March 2017
PHAENO Science and Technology Museum / Wolfsburg, Germany / December 2017 to February 2019
"Retro-perspectives" Galerie de la Grenette / Les Arsenaux / Café de la Grenette / From 27 August to 17 October 2021
"Démesures" API Museum / Geneva / From January to March 2022
CD subject:
Richard Jean / Around Midnight / December 1999 (The disc starts with the fall of the 144 midnight balls of "L'Anachrone")